
Welcome to the Matrix: How we designed to the gold standard of trail accessibility

20220207-200250mike.maryanne.blog2 Accessibility on Baxter's trails includes everyone.

Feb. 17, 2022 – You may already know that Baxter Conservation Area's new boardwalk and bridge will offer the gold standard of universal accessibility. But what is this standard exactly, and how was it created?

That's a question for Marnie Peters, renowned accessibility consultant in the Ottawa Valley. 

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Someone else’s shoes: Cubs take “accessibility hike” in support of Nature For All


You've heard it before: to understand a person, you must walk a mile in their shoes.

A local Cub Scouts pack did just that recently when they walked – and rolled – in the shoes of people with disabilities at Baxter Conservation Area south of Manotick. 

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Stage 2 LRT delivers win for Stillwater wetland


NEPEAN, October 9, 2021 – An unhealthy section of creek and a dried-up wetland have gotten an extreme makeover thanks to great community partnerships and a nearby Stage 2 LRT construction project along Moodie Drive.

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Beyond Spy Rock: Three fabulous fall hikes at Foley Mountain

Spy Rock is famous for its fall views, but it's also famous for crowds - especially during the fall colour frenzy. This year, break away from the pack and get your fall fix from these lesser-known hikes inside the park:

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Five tips for a flawless Fall Foley trip


Pumpkin spice is back on the menu, which means you're probably planning your annual fall colours roadtrip to Spy Rock! Foley Mountain Conservation Area is a popular spot this time of year, and crowds are a given. Consider these tips to make sure your visit is a hit:

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From truckload to tote bin: An invasive species success story


If you've ever been to Voyageur Provincial Park near Hawkesbury, you've seen European Water Chestnut in action. The ornamental pond plant likely hopped a fence nearby, establishing itself in dense mats in the Ottawa River and nearby tributaries around the park more than a decade ago.

Robust removal programs are in place, but getting ahead of it is as hard as the thorny seeds it throws into the riverbed to reproduce. 

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QUIZ: How green is your waterfront property?


Is your personal paradise protecting the lake you love? Or are you accidentally disrupting the natural systems nearby? If you're unsure, don't despair: we've got a quiz to help you find out. 

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Wonderful weeds: Aquatic plants aren't the enemy


We get it: summer is brief, and aquatic plants can be annoying when you're trying to make the most of dock life. It can be tempting to rip them out, install an expensive water circulator or even use an herbicide to get rid of them.

But there are better ways to keep aquatic plants from getting out of hand while supporting both a thriving ecosystem and your perfect getaway.

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Buzz in the air as planting begins at Barrhaven pollinator meadow

A 15-acre swath of Hydro Ottawa land will soon be a buzzing metropolis of bees, birds and butterflies as the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) helps plant one of the largest pollinator meadows in Eastern Ontario.

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Foley Mountain Friends continue support despite pandemic challenges


We get by with a little help from our friends, and Foley Mountain Conservation Area is no exception.

Friends of Foley Mountain, a charitable group that has aided the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority's Westport site since 1996, has continued its support despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Rooted in Partnership: Spotlight on Forests Ontario


The RVCA's tree planting program has many branches of support, but it's the sturdy trunk of Forests Ontario that holds it all together. 

The provincial not-for-profit manages the 50 Million Tree Program, which provides two-thirds of RVCA's tree planting funding each year to help private landowners undertake largescale afforestation (the creation of new forests) for just pennies per tree.

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Reducing runoff: Which side are you on?


Water quality in our local lakes and rivers start right at home, where you wash your car, walk your dog and plant your gardens. The more you can reduce the amount of rain, meltwater and chemicals like fertilizers and detergents that drain into the storm sewer, the better our water quality will be. 

Check out our interactive graphic to see which side of the street you're on. 

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Meet Ian Cochrane, RVCA’s new forestry manager

Ian Cochrane has a family history of forestry and conservation. As the RVCA's new forestry manager, he has fully embraced his calling – bugs and all – to plant more than 200,000 trees a year for a more resilient community, planet and future.

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Winter wetlands: what's happening under the ice?


Compared to the thrum of a thriving summer wetland, winter wetlands may seem as silent as outer space.

But they're not empty, nor are they vacant – life's just a little slower, a little less showy, in an ice-covered marsh or swamp.

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Country living: A first-timer’s guide to buying on the backroads


So, you're buying in the country for the first time: congratulations! Moving out of the city can be one of the most rewarding decisions you'll ever make – especially now that many of us can work from home.

But rural and waterfront properties come with unique challenges, and without the right help you could end up with a lemon. 

Here are our top five tips to consider before you sign on the dotted line.

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Want a whine-free winter walk? Try these tricks


If your kids start complaining the moment you say "walk," the snowsuit struggle might not seem worth it. But inside every kid is an outdoorsperson waiting to blossom – and these tricks might just help! Try these activities at one of our 11 conservation areas and let us know what got them moving.

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Give the gift of conservation this holiday season


'Twas the week before Christmas

Quarantined in your house

When you finished your shopping

With the click of a mouse! 

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It’s a pandemic. Conservation areas have never been so important.

Fresh air. Open space. A mental balm. Or perhaps just somewhere – anywhere – to take the kids. Yes, outdoor spaces have been the saviours of the pandemic.

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Meet Rose Fleguel, Eastern Ontario's resident butternut expert


It was a cold, crisp day in December 2019 when Rosemary (Rose) Fleguel, RVCA's resident butternut expert, pulled up in her truck to meet North Grenville woodlot owner Warren Dool at his 47-acre property. Her mission? To find any and all living and healthy butternut trees - a cause to which she has dedicated the bulk of her long career.  

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Green Christmas: Skip the mall and give the gift of conservation!

We all know it: the holidays can be stressful, expensive and wasteful. All that running around buying things people don't need, trying to read everyone's minds, bracing for Boxing Day returns once everything's been unwrapped.


Why not skip the hassle and give the gift of conservation instead?

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Contact Us

Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario