Watershed Conditions Statements
June 03, 2016
Drought Condition Deepens
With little effective rainfall on the Rideau watershed for the last two months, the drought status is now moderately severe. Except for some intense rainfall in the downtown core of Ottawa last Friday and Saturday, conditions have continued to be very dry in the Rideau River watershed. Rainfall recorded at Environment Canada climate stations over the last three months is now at 60% of normal for the time of year. This means that Moderate Drought status has been reached.
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Watershed Conditions Statements
May 24, 2016
Lack of Rain Brings Minor Drought Conditions
With no rain over the last ten days and less than 30% of normal for the last 30 days, the Rideau River watershed is on the verge of minor drought conditions. Precipitation measured at Environment Canada climate stations in and around the watershed show that about 80% of normal for the time of year has fallen in the last 90 days. This means that minor drought status has been reached. Municipal watering restrictions could be imposed to limit the volume of water extracted from groundwater and surface water sources. It is recommended that those living in residences served by private…
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Watershed Conditions Statements
April 26, 2016
Bobs and Christie Lake Levels Declining
With a definite declining trend of the water levels of Bobs Lake and Christie Lake, the Flood Watch that has been in effect specific to those lakes since April 11 is now cancelled. With little precipitation over the last two weeks and, therefore, declining inflow to contend with, Parks Canada staff have been able to gradually bring the levels of both lakes back down to target operating ranges. Water levels in the rest of the watershed are also decreasing and are close to averages for the time of year. However, the water is still relatively high and is cold. Caution…
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Watershed Conditions Statements
April 11, 2016
Bobs and Christie Lake Levels Remain High
The focus of this message is potential flooding issues on Bobs and Christie Lakes in the upper end of the Tay River watershed, part of the Rideau River/Canal system. Bobs Lake has levelled off over the weekend as inflows were reduced by colder temperatures. Runoff from the snow that fell overnight along with rain showers today and Tuesday will prolong the high water levels. No precipitation along with more spring-like temperatures are forecast for the rest of the week beyond Tuesday. This can be expected to bring a decline in levels on both Bobs and Christie Lakes.
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Watershed Conditions Statements
April 07, 2016
Upper Rideau Watershed Lake Levels Increasing
An unusual amount of snow for this time of year is expected to cause lake levels in the upper part of the Rideau River watershed to rise as the snow melts over the next several days. Water levels can be expected to increase throughout the watershed but levels to flood stage could occur on Bobs and Christie Lakes. With the level of Bobs Lake close to the Full Supply Threshold, water has to be released. However, the release is being done as gradually as possible to minimize the impacts on both lakes. While levels are likely to increase downstream of…
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Watershed Conditions Statements
March 31, 2016
Heavy Rain Will Increase Flows Again
Flows in all watercourses in the Rideau River watershed can be expected to increase through today as a result of a significant rain event. Forecasts of heavy rains today in the province east of Georgian Bay will have an impact on the Rideau River watershed. With rainfall in the order of 30 mm possible, flows can be expected to increase again to similar flows as what was reached earlier in March. This could once again bring flooding of the lowest lying areas along rivers and streams and on lakes and ponds.
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Watershed Conditions Statements