Watershed Conditions Statements
April 19, 2017
"Minor" Drought Status Rescinded
The drought status in the Rideau River watershed that was left at “Minor” after a dry year in 2016 is, by this statement, reduced to “Normal”. The uncertainty that prompted holding the Minor status through the winter was because it wasn’t clear what state groundwater resources had been left at as the onset of winter arrived. With a period of warmer temperatures and the loss of much of the snow cover by late March, there was an opportunity to access the monitoring wells in the Rideau River watershed. Measurements indicated that groundwater levels had been restored to about the long…
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Watershed Conditions Statements
April 19, 2017
Flood Watch to Include Ottawa River
As water levels and flows in the Rideau River watershed recede, levels on the Ottawa River have been rising. Rain on Saturday and Sunday had little impact on stream flows anywhere in the Rideau watershed. Rain forecast for Wednesday and Thursday of about 30 millimetres can be expected to cause flows to rise by as much as 50 cubic metres per second on the Rideau. This will not be enough to bring on the return of flooding in those areas recently affected. Levels on three of the four Rideau Canal reservoir lakes have been declining very slowly but are sensitive…
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Watershed Conditions Statements
April 12, 2017
Flood Warning Downgraded to Flood Watch
With access ways to the waterfront properties on the Long Reach of the Rideau River (Kars to Burritts Rapids) again passable, the Flood Warning, in place for the last week, is now reduced to Flood Watch. Rain forecast for Saturday evening into Sunday is expected to cause an upturn in flows in the Rideau system. However, flows are expected to have receded sufficiently by then that the increase will have a minor impact. The expectation is that flows, as measured at the recording station at Carleton University, will increase to about 280 cubic metres per second (cms) by early Monday.…
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Watershed Conditions Statements
April 10, 2017
Flood Warning — Rideau River Water Levels Subsiding
Water levels have been dropping throughout the Rideau watershed since Saturday but not all flooded areas are fully dry yet. Water levels have dropped about 22 centimetres since the Saturday peak on the Long Reach between Burritts Rapids and Manotick. Another 34 centimetres are left to go on Hilly Lane and similar amounts on the neighbouring waterfront communities near Kemptville. Until those communities have safe access restored, the Flood Warning will remain in effect. The decline in levels in the Long Reach will be slowed by rain forecast for tomorrow and by water that has to be released from Big…
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Watershed Conditions Statements
April 08, 2017
Flood Warning — Rideau System Reaching Peak Water Levels
Runoff from the rain event on Thursday is working its way through the system leaving several waterfront communities still without access to their properties. Water levels have been holding more or less steady for the last few hours. A definite peak has not yet been reached but can be expected today. Cooler temperatures overnight have slowed the runoff process. Temperatures of over 10 degrees forecast for today will cause much of the remaining snow and ice to melt and run off today which will keep levels up for the short term. Once a definite decline of levels begins, Parks Canada…
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Watershed Conditions Statements
Heavy rain on Thursday has caused streamflows and lake levels to increase significantly in the Rideau River watershed. The amount of rain that fell in eastern Ontario wasn’t quite as much as forecast but it is certainly having an impact. Such water levels were last reached in 2014. The worst impact is in North Grenville and rural Ottawa near the confluence of Kemptville Creek with the Rideau River. Some street and pathway flooding is occurring in Ottawa South adjacent to and in Windsor Park and in Ottawa East in Brantwood Park. No residential flooding in urban Ottawa has been reported…
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Watershed Conditions Statements