
Media Release

RIDEAU VALLEY, July 18, 2023 – In the war on invasive species, knowledge is the most potent weapon – and a free community workshop aims to arm the public with as much invasive species information as possible. Focusing on identification and how to reduce their spread, the workshop on Saturday, July 29 will feature staff presentations as well as hands-on displays of invasive plants and animals.  “We’re hoping more members of the public will become familiar with these species and their impacts,” said Amanda Lange, RVCA’s Aquatic Habitat Monitoring Co-ordinator. “The more people know about invasive species, the more we can…
WESTPORT, July 14, 2023 – A new weekly Forest School program will cater to kids ages 2 to 5 and their caregivers this September. The parent-assisted program will run every Tuesday from 9:30 to 11:30 for 12 weeks, beginning Sept. 12.  “It’s so important to let young kids engage in risky play, explore a diverse landscape, develop their motor skills and of course receive all the wonderful benefits from being outside,” said Foley Mountain site supervisor Rebecca Whitman. “The sooner we can help children build connections to the land and nature, the better off we’ll all be.” The Forest School model…
RIDEAU VALLEY, June 6, 2023 — New accessible infrastructure, expanded septic services, a new clean water program and the planting of our 7 millionth tree: the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) accomplished all this and more in 2022. The RVCA provides conservation-led programs and services based on a watershed-wide model serving 18 member municipalities along the Rideau River and its tributaries. Our wide-ranging programs cover a huge geographic area of more than 4,000 km2, from Central Frontenac to Merrickville-Wolford and downriver to the City of Ottawa. Through science, stewardship and education, the RVCA strives to manage local natural resources sustainably to ensure…
RIDEAU VALLEY, May 16, 2023 – The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority had seven million reasons to smile on Saturday, May 13 as it celebrated the planting of its seven millionth tree with a commemorative event in Richmond. Ottawa Mayor Mark Sutcliffe and Elizabethtown-Kitley Mayor Brant Burrow helped plant a burr oak sapling, which served as a symbolic seven millionth tree for the ceremony. In reality, the true milestone seedling is growing somewhere in the watershed, likely hand-planted last spring in a rural landowner’s unused field along with thousands of other bare root native trees. Since 1984, the RVCA has been committed to tree…
PERTH, May 15, 2023 – Staff and volunteers duelled thick grass, invasive species and hardened shorelines last weekend as they planted nearly 1,200 native trees, shrubs and wildflowers along the Tay River in Last Duel Park. The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) partnered with the Town of Perth to implement the major shoreline naturalization project at the former campground. Environment and Climate Change Canada’s (ECCC) Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund provided funding. All told, staff and volunteers helped naturalize more than 350 metres of shoreline on May 13.  The new plantings in three areas along the existing pathway left room for…
PORTLAND, May 11, 2023 – Residents worried about water quality and algae blooms in the Rideau Lakes and nearby waterways can now take matters in their own hands.  The Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) has partnered with Rideau Lakes Township, Cataraqui Conservation and Big Rideau Lake Association to sell rain barrels this month as part of its ongoing sustainable drainage project in Portland and surrounding areas. Installing a rain barrel is an easy, inexpensive step residents can take to reduce runoff and keep contaminants out of their lake. The barrel is placed under an eavestrough or gutter to catch rainwater as…
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Rideau Valley Conservation Authority
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
Manotick, Ontario K4M 1A5

613-692-3571, 1-800-267-3504



Regular Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Member of: conservation ontario