Members Wanted for Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Committee
The Mississippi-Rideau Source Protection Region (MRSPR) is seeking Source Protection Committee members who are interested in protecting municipal drinking water sources in the Mississippi and Rideau Valley watersheds.
The MRSPR Committee was established in 2007 as a result of the Province’s Clean Water Act. The committee guides local efforts to protect drinking water at the source and is made up of one-third municipal, one-third economic and one-third public sector representatives. The composition ensures that a variety of local interests are represented at the decision-making table as the committee works to oversee the implementation of science-based source protection plans.
The committee is currently undergoing a renewal to ensure that it remains in compliance with Ontario Regulation 288/07, the regulation that governs Source Protection Committees under Ontario’s Clean Water Act. The committee is looking for two economic sector representatives to liaise on behalf of commercial, industrial and agricultural interests, as well as two public sector representatives to liaise on behalf of general public, environmental, First Nations and non-governmental organization interests.
“If you have experience and knowledge in one of these two sectors and have an interest in protecting drinking water sources we hope you will apply,” said Marika Livingston, Mississippi-Rideau Source Water Protection Project Manager. “Among other qualifications, these positions require a multi-year commitment, an ability to understand scientific and technical reports and attendance at the two or more Source Protection Committee meetings held each year. Applicants must also live or work in the Mississippi and Rideau watersheds.”
Future work of the Committee includes the review of new scientific and technical information to ensure that the Source Protection Plan and its supporting reports remain current and relevant.
Further details regarding these part-time positions including descriptions of roles and responsibilities and an application form are available online at A small per diem as well as expenses (mileage and meals) will be paid while working on Source Protection business.
Applications are being accepted until March 8, 2019.