The Province delegates responsibility for natural hazards management to its 36 conservation authorities. This includes providing comments to municipalities on Planning Act applications and other development-related applications as they relate to risks from floodplains, hazardous slopes, unstable soils and erosion. Comments are provided from several perspectives: watershed-based resource management, planning advisory service, technical advisory service and regulatory responsibilities.
RVCA also provides planning and technical advice to our municipalities with respect to water resources and natural hazards, and sits on technical advisory committees that oversee the preparation of broader planning studies such as community design plans, master servicing studies, environmental management plans and environmental assessments.

Planning applications circulated to the RVCA typically include:
- Official plans and official plan amendments
- Zoning by-laws and zoning by-law amendments
- Plans of subdivision and condominium
- Site plan control
- Applications for consent (severances and lot line adjustments)
- Minor variances
- Lifting of reserves
- Part lot control
RVCA also reviews development-related applications under:
Planning & Permit Resources
Property File Search
A property inquiry/file search provides a formal written response to current property owners, potential buyers, lawyers, real estate professionals, etc with information including:
- Information and mapping on natural hazards and features such as floodplains, unstable slopes, shorelines, wetlands, etc.
- RVCA regulations and policies that apply to the property
- Information on previous approvals, outstanding orders and/or violations on the property
Complete the Property File Search Form to apply. A fee is charged to cover the cost of reviewing each individual site and a formal, written response is issued. Staff require at least two weeks to reply.
General Property Inquiry
Complete and submit our General Property Inquiry Form to receive a map showing the mapped hazard (floodplain, unstable slope, wetland) or natural feature, 1:100 year flood elevations if applicable and available, links to general information, regulators and policies. Please allow for 24 hour response time for General Property Inquiries.