The Conservation Authorities Act requires all conservation authorities to regulate development that may impact natural hazards, wetlands, shorelines and watercourses. Since 2006, each conservation authority had its own development regulation under the Act that guided development in that watershed. RVCA’s regulation was Ontario Regulation 174/06 and the RVCA applied its regulation to the following wetlands:
- Provincially significant wetlands; and
- Other wetlands identified in municipal Official Plans and/or zoning.
On April 1, 2024, the province replaced all 36 individual conservation authority regulations (including 174/06) with Ontario Regulation 41/24: Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits. This standardized regulation requires conservation authorities to regulate all wetlands plus a 30 metre buffer (which is reduced from 120 metres) and prohibits development activities in this area unless a permit is issued by the conservation authority.
Draft Policy
In response to these legislative changes, the RVCA updated its wetland policies which will now apply to all wetlands in the watershed plus a 30 metre buffer. Under these draft policies, RVCA would regulate development activities that would change or interfere in any way with a wetland as follows, so long as it does not negatively affect the function and characteristics of the wetland (e.g. no ditching, tile drainage, berms):
Agricultural activities
Existing activities are allowed to continue
New activities are not allowed in the wetland, but are allowed within 30 metres of a wetland
Existing residential dwelling units
Replacement of the dwelling unit is allowed
Minor additions to a maximum of 50 m2 are allowed
Maintenance or replacement of a septic system is allowed
Maximum of one accessory structure no greater than 50 m2 is allowed
Maintenance of an existing private road or driveway is allowed
Maintenance of an existing public road is allowed
Construction or realignment of utilities is allowed
Passive or Low Intensity Uses
Wetland conservation and restoration activities and projects are allowed
Flood and erosion control works are allowed
Passive or low intensity outdoor recreation and education, including trail systems is allowed
Selective tree harvesting is allowed
Marine Facilities
Commercial marinas are not allowed in the wetland, but allowed within 30 m of a wetland
Small private docks are allowed in wetlands
Existing Vacant Lot of Record
One dwelling unit may be allowed on vacant lots of record that existed prior to April 1, 2024 and are not currently in a regulated area for wetland or any other hazard.
No development is allowed on vacant lots of record that are already subject to RVCA’s wetland policies (formerly provincially significant wetlands)
The RVCA’s Draft Development Activity Policies and Procedures: Policies and Procedures for Development Activity permit applications made under Section 28.1 of the Conservation Authorities Act is now available for public consultation.
Public Consultation
The RVCA also updated its regulatory wetland mapping to comply with the new regulation. Draft mapping now captures all wetlands in the watershed and shows existing and proposed changes to regulated boundaries.
Updated wetland mapping was produced using the best available elevation and land cover data, however, should you find an area that is incorrectly identified as wetland, staff can visit your property and correct any wetland boundaries to ensure no land is unnecessarily regulated.
Public Consultation
We encourage everyone to review RVCA’s updated development policies during the consultation period ending July 10. We also invite you to connect with RVCA staff to learn more about the policies and updated regulatory wetland mapping and what it may mean for you and your property. You can do so by:
- Viewing draft policies
- Viewing draft wetland mapping
- Booking an online or in-person meeting:
- Submit an Appointment Request Form
- Call 613-692-3571 or 1-800-267-3504
- Email
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- Attending one of our public open houses from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m.:
June 20 - Perth
Perth Civitan Hall
6787 County Road 43
June 25 - Cumberland
R.J. Kennedy Arena (Hall)
1115 Dunning Road
June 26 - Manotick
RVCA Main Office
3889 Rideau Valley Drive
You may also submit written comments before July 10, 2024 by email at